Thursday, February 9, 2012

Home Electricity

My physic’s blog post for this week is about my home power usage. I took a picture of my electric bill from this past month and I found that my family’s electricity tab was $183. 29. When I compared this number with other people in my class, I had one of the lowest numbers. It says my family only spends $6.21 a day for electricity and since there are four people in my household, each person used about $45 of electricity the past month. The reason why my numbers are so low is because we have photovoltaic panels that we installed just last year and we have a water heater set up so our water isn’t constantly being heated 24/7. I thought analyzing my bill was really interesting because before I didn’t even what the average electricity bill was; but now after hearing a lot of other numbers from people, I see that having panels makes a big difference. 

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