Sunday, January 15, 2012


For my physic’s blog post this week, I took a picture of some of the textbook pages that we had to take notes on. I first thought of doing this because it was one of the few times that I actually took notes in advance from the book before I came to class, and I have to say it somewhat helped. When we got our PA, I was already familiar with the formulas that we were going to use, for example I was already introduced to the mass of a proton and electron, those terms weren’t completely new to me. The notes also helped because I now know that the word “quantized” means describing an electrons charge…that’s something I may not have learned in class. 


  1. Wow maybe I should've taken a look at the book because I was a little lost when I looked at the PA for the first time

  2. Yeah, good idea. The book would've been helpful to prepare for this exam and for doing the PA. Good job remembering to do your blogpost! haha

  3. The notes seemed liked they helped, maybe I should consider them

  4. I agree about getting the formulas for the PA, it made the PA much easier.

  5. I should have taken some notes. The PA was a little difficult at first.
